Shira Dizitzer
Thesis topic: The Relations Between Triadic Family Interactions During Infancy, Temperament and Self-Regulation During Childhood

Yael Mualem
Thesis topic: The Relations Between Neonatal Risk, Household Chaos and Effortful Control at 5.5 Years of Age

Shir Shvo
Thesis topic: Infant Cry Processing and Maternal Postnatal Depressive Symptoms: the Moderating Role of Personality Self-Criticism

Noy Benita
Thesis topic: Sleep Through Toddlerhood: The Distinct Roles of Overall
Media Use and Use of Media to Regulate Child Distress

MA in Cognitive psychology
Gilad Ben-David
Thesis topic: Memory Functions Following Preterm Birth – a Mouse-Based Model

Ahmad Mari
Thesis topic: The relation between premature birth and the emotional
state of fathers in the Bedouin population of the Negev.

Aseel Massalha
Thesis topic: Factors Associated with Postpartum Depressive Symptoms in Bedouin-Arab Mothers of Preterm Infants

Dafna Bar
Thesis topic: Maternal Mobile Phone Use Interferes with the Process of Establishing Joint Attention

Gal Doron
Thesis topic: Examining Patterns of Mother-Infant Emotional-Availability During the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Role of Social Support

Amit Gefen
Thesis topic: The Associations Between Maternal ADHD Risk and Reflective Functioning